Find a bat in your attic? Are you sure its just one? Groups of bats in homes are often maternity colonies of female bats and their babies. The females typically come out of hibernation and take up residence in a structure to give birth, usually in May or June. They then have their babies and begin to increase their activity to support lactation—this is typically when people … [Read more...] about Find a Bat in your Attic? Here’s What to Do
Driving You Batty
Much like snakes, spiders and everything else that creeps and crawls around at night, bats have quite a few humans spooked. Whether due to an association with Transylvania, or getting dive-bombed during a late-night swim in the pond, anti-bat prejudice tends to run deep. As it turns out however, while there are certainly some negatives, having bats around can offer a whole host … [Read more...] about Driving You Batty