Wildlife Forever, in coordination with state, federal, and corporate partners, continue efforts to improve public access throughout the country. Distributing over 1,700 AIS prevention tools and 24 watercraft cleaning stations this summer, the Initiative continues to provide much needed resources for boaters and anglers. Clean Drain Dry tools and infrastructure at the access are … [Read more...] about Wildlife Forever Enhances Hundreds of Public Accesses to Stop Invasive Species
Federal Duck Stamps Soar into Their Debut by USFWS
Hunters, birders, and stamp collectors celebrated as the 2022-2023 Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp – commonly known as the Duck Stamp – went on sale. The new Federal Duck Stamp and its younger sibling, the Junior Duck Stamp, debuted and are now available for purchase. The Federal Duck Stamp plays a critically important role in wildlife conservation. … [Read more...] about Federal Duck Stamps Soar into Their Debut by USFWS
Help Protect Bears This Spring
It's that time of year: Black bears soon will leave their dens and become active. Though they'll primarily forage on green vegetation, bears will eat from bird feeders, outdoor pet foods and garbage cans, if available. Taking simple steps now can keep bears safely at a distance and prevent conflicts this spring and summer: Remove bird feeders or replace feeders with … [Read more...] about Help Protect Bears This Spring
Oak Wilt and Pruning
If you live anywhere in the Midwestern or Eastern United States, its time to stop pruning your oak trees for the year. Why, you ask? With the onset of spring, the worry of oak wilt grows anew. Caused by a fungus, oak wilt has existed in the aforementioned regions of the United States for some time. Red, black and pin oak are most susceptible to oak wilt, though white and bur … [Read more...] about Oak Wilt and Pruning
Avian influenza confirmed in wild birds in Florida
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) has been notified by the National Veterinary Services Laboratory of confirmed cases of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) strain: H5 in a lesser scaup, black vultures and other avian species. There is a low risk of HPAI transmission to humans and, to date, there have been no known human infections in … [Read more...] about Avian influenza confirmed in wild birds in Florida