So, you’ve selected a sunny place, laid your panels and fastened them down. Next, you ran all the wiring and hooked them all together into one clean, combined unit. From here, you decide all you need to do is wire in the battery! After all, sun shines on panels, panels emit energy, energy is stored in the battery, right? While that is in some senses true, unfortunately it is … [Read more...] about Charge Controllers
Combiner Box 2, Electric Boogaloo
So you’ve misdrilled a few holes and gotten your solar panels up, now you’re trying to figure out what to do with all those damn wires. First you try twist-tying them together, but as the first stiff breeze unseats your work, you think to yourself, “There must be a better way!” No? Just me? You actually do your research before taking on projects? Must be nice … Anyhow, this … [Read more...] about Combiner Box 2, Electric Boogaloo
Solar Panel 101
Last week, we posted a little primer on the overall makeup of a solar energy system. That, of course, is only the beginning. Every specific category on that list, from panels to batteries, represents a complex segment of the system that requires serious research before buying. This in mind, we’ll be covering each of these links one by one, to give a more complete understanding … [Read more...] about Solar Panel 101