Find a bat in your attic? Are you sure its just one? Groups of bats in homes are often maternity colonies of female bats and their babies. The females typically come out of hibernation and take up residence in a structure to give birth, usually in May or June. They then have their babies and begin to increase their activity to support lactation—this is typically when people … [Read more...] about Find a Bat in your Attic? Here’s What to Do
Wildlife Forever Enhances Hundreds of Public Accesses to Stop Invasive Species
Wildlife Forever, in coordination with state, federal, and corporate partners, continue efforts to improve public access throughout the country. Distributing over 1,700 AIS prevention tools and 24 watercraft cleaning stations this summer, the Initiative continues to provide much needed resources for boaters and anglers. Clean Drain Dry tools and infrastructure at the access are … [Read more...] about Wildlife Forever Enhances Hundreds of Public Accesses to Stop Invasive Species
Federal Duck Stamps Soar into Their Debut by USFWS
Hunters, birders, and stamp collectors celebrated as the 2022-2023 Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp – commonly known as the Duck Stamp – went on sale. The new Federal Duck Stamp and its younger sibling, the Junior Duck Stamp, debuted and are now available for purchase. The Federal Duck Stamp plays a critically important role in wildlife conservation. … [Read more...] about Federal Duck Stamps Soar into Their Debut by USFWS
Exiling Deer from your Garden
Whether you want to keep the deer from eating all your garden vegetables and flowers or whether you’re interested in ways to help wildlife during a hot, dry summer, here are a few things you should know. Any limited availability of food and water can lead to a reduced number of newborn fawns and fewer fawns that survive their first year. Such harsh conditions can also reduce … [Read more...] about Exiling Deer from your Garden
Moose Safety 101
You are on your way to your back 40, when suddenly you notice a moose in the middle of the woods. What should you do? Here are a few things to know about moose and how to avoid conflicts with them. The largest animals in the deer family, moose can be found a in any forested northern regions of the United States, all the way through Canada and into Alaska. Moose generally eat … [Read more...] about Moose Safety 101