Amidst the nationwide egg "crisis," I've begun to notice two distinct trends among folks. The first, and the more heartening, are those who are (albeit belatedly) using the situation as an excuse to jump into poultry ownership, so they are better prepared for whatever comes next. The other, more worryingly, are those who seem to wish to do so, but who are resisting the jump out … [Read more...] about Homegrown Eggs: Are They Safe?
Chicken Breed Profile (Part 1 of ?)
A topic we’ve covered regularly on this site, though perhaps not regularly enough, is that of poultry. Probably the most common “gateway stock” for budding homesteaders, chickens are relatively simple to care for, easy to acquire, and can be used for either meat or eggs. Read on for the first in what will be an irregularly running series with multiple installments, cataloguing … [Read more...] about Chicken Breed Profile (Part 1 of ?)