Almost everyone loves chickens. From the eggs, to the meat, to the crowing of the cock, there's just something about the non-airborne avian that brings to mind the peaceful tranquility of a self-sustaining existence. What happens though, when your fowl are feeling a little ... well, foul? Read on for some common chicken illnesses, and how best to handle them. (Avian) … [Read more...] about Poultry Diseases
Jumpin’ June Plantings!
Today marks the first of June, and while I realize I've strayed from the garden a bit over the last weeks, I cannot resist this opportunity to detail some of the plantings you should be sowing into the ground for this month. Read on, for some ideas on what to dirty your hands with in this first of the summer months. Bush Beans If you haven't planted beans yet, now is the … [Read more...] about Jumpin’ June Plantings!
Decamping Tent Caterpillars
I sometimes have the chance to peruse the comments on my articles (and, when I can figure out the controls on the #&*@ing content management system, even manage to respond to a few). As it happens, I was going over the comments on my last posting and noticed a potential confusion between bagworms, and Eastern Tent Caterpillars. Its a common mistake, and one I made myself … [Read more...] about Decamping Tent Caterpillars
Chicken of the Woods
Have you heard of Chicken of the Woods? No, it’s not a dove, or even a turkey—it’s yet another vibrant, easily identifiable mushroom that will make a delicious addition to your table. Read on for how to identify this mushroom, as well as some great ways to prepare it. This large polypore is easy to spot. It’s large, generally prominently placed, and radiant orange in color. … [Read more...] about Chicken of the Woods
Soap Suds Symposium
As I’m sure many of you know, we’ve mentioned goats and their uses a time or three on this website. From browsing bushwhackers to cheese creators, goats’ uses are legion. You may begin to find, however, that if you have more than a few goats, and you’re not selling anything you make, you may begin to have more milk and cheese than you know what to do with. So today, let’s talk … [Read more...] about Soap Suds Symposium